Lyndon Lightning Football
Louisville Youth Football
Ages 5-14 years old
Are you ready for some football?
The 2024 Tackle Football season will be here before you know it! Online registrations begin March 1st.
Contact us directly at with questions or for more information.
"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. However, it produces a harvest of righteousness for those who have been trained by it."
Latest News
3/1/2024 - Returning and New Player Tackle Football Signups OPEN
3/9/2024 - 7on7 Spring League begins at King Louie.
617/2024 - 1st Day of Practice (Helmet and Shorts)
​Important Dates
January - 7on7 and FASST registration begins
February - 7on7 practices
March - Tackle registration, 7on7 League play begins
April - 7on7 League play and playoffs
June - Tackle practice begins
August - LYFL Pigskin Classic - TBD
August through October - LYFL Regular season
October - LYFL Playoffs
Late October - LYFL Championship Games
Want to give back?
Are you interested in volunteering this year?

We are currently seeking volunteers to assist with video taping home and away games. We are also looking for volunteers to assist with taking on field photos, practice photos and anyone interested in social media to assist with helping the team this year to share all of the great things going on at Lyndon. If you're interested, let us know!